Welcome to GladysCat.com!

Welcome to the blog of Pico the Sheltie and his cat buddy, LemonTea, from Malaysia.
From 12.05.2013 onwards, we would rarely come back here again, please visit http://GladysCat.com instead.


Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Grooming Day #4

It is bathing day again!

The hair is sticky and oily before the bath.

Wet baby!
(Pico: How dare you post this ugly pic of me, Mummy! How am I going to face my fans?!)

After the bath, his hair is light and smooth.
And Pico's eyes are shining too!

Monday, May 28, 2012

The changes

As time goes by, any changes on the furkids' appearance?

LemonTea pictured at 1 year old and 5 years old.
His fur is much thicker now, but still as playful as usual.

Late Twinky pictured at 10 months old and 3 years old.
There isn't much difference when he was 5 years old since 3 years old.

Pico pictured at 2 years old and 3 years old.
Some friends say he becomes mature looking.

Bunny pictured at 10 months old and 15 months old.

I am glad to see these changes on them and I hope that they stay healthy always and by my side for a very long time.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Those older days...


Rabbit Queen with late Twinky.

Rabbit Queen with LemonTea.

Poor me! I don't even have pictures with them.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

LemonTea in the garden #3

LemonTea: Such a boring afternoon......
GLADYS: Let's go to the garden then!

LemonTea: I love being here!

LemonTea: Look at me!


*Rolling and rolling*

GLADYS: Where are you going? There is a drain beside you!

I didn't expect he started rolling after lying down. If there isn't a drain beside him, I wonder whether he will roll to the wall.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Meeting Bunny

LemonTea: What you brought home, Mummy?

Ohh! It was Bunny! She just came back from a bath.

Her foot are yellow color when she was in the breeder's home. She needs several baths more to become more snow white.

Bunny attracted LemonTea's curiosity and he started to "stalk" her again just as when Twinky just arrived many years ago.

Bunny was such a brave cat and she wasn't afraid of the new environment at all and was exploring the house.

*Continued to stalk*

Love her furry tail. I do hope hair of her body and cheek will grow longer.

I guess they just some more time to get familiar with each other.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Semi-Wordless Wednesday #8

This day I saw no shadow of LemonTea and when I was searching for him I found him entered the display cupboard and lying inside. He made me laugh! Are you staying inside, for display only, just like a doll?

Thursday, May 10, 2012

【Event】Samsung Galaxy Note Johor Bahru Launching

Gladys Studio is the official photographer of Samsung Galaxy Note Johor Bahru launching event.

More pictures at:
