Welcome to GladysCat.com!

Welcome to the blog of Pico the Sheltie and his cat buddy, LemonTea, from Malaysia.
From 12.05.2013 onwards, we would rarely come back here again, please visit http://GladysCat.com instead.


Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Boxing Day

-Taken in December 2010-

LemonTea and Pico were waiting for gift boxing received from 2010 Christmas Cat Gathering.

Pico: WOW! We have gifts!
LemonTea: *approached*

Pico: Stop taking pictures, mummy! Let's open the gifts!

*LemonTea and Pico smelled each other*

GLADYS: This frisbee is from Auntie Mun Yee, Pico. Do you like it?

GLADYS: One more for you.

Pico looked so excited and naughty in this picture.

Pico: Hurry up, Mummy!
LemonTea showed more interests in Pico than the presents.

LemonTea: Oh yeah! It is mine! 

LemonTea: *BITE*

Pico: So this is mine?! (It is a can opener in cat paw shape)
GLADYS: Greedy Pico, you have one already. This is mine, hehe!

Being smart

*Bending over*


And that's it!
Looks easy huh?

LemonTea: There is nothing about it. Nothing could stop me!

Monday, August 29, 2011

The spying #2

The fourth day Pico arrived home......

Pico: Hmm... I feel uncomfortable since just now.

Pico: Feeling someone is watching me.

LemonTea: *STARING*

LemonTea was curious at Pico since his arrival.
To prevent LemonTea's jealousy, I tried to care about his feeling always and not hug and kiss Pico in front of him.

LemonTea is not a fierce cat. I know he just need some time to get over these.
Luckily Pico is friendly to LemonTea and this makes me feel better.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The time with my precious

One day, when I opened my bedroom door, I saw LemonTea who was waiting for me outside.

GLADYS: Come in, darling!

LemonTea: Hey, here I come! Watch me biting the string!

LemonTea: And play the ball!

LemonTea: And also playing hide-and-seek in Mummy's messy wardrobe!

After a while, I was wondering why suddenly LemonTea was quiet and soundless.
And then I found he was sleeping soundly under my bed!

This sleeping pose, he was really tired huh?
What an enjoyable nap he had!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Christmas Bear

LemonTea: Hmm...... What is this? *sniff sniff*
Christmas Bear: I am Christmas Bear, bringing Christmas blessings to you all on behalf of Santa Claus!

Pico: You are weird!
Christmas Bear: I am not! You are!

Pico: What are you actually?

Pico: Are you edible?
Christmas Bear: Of course not, you crazy!

Pico: I don't care! Let me bite first! *ROAR*
Christmas Bear: Oh my god, leave me alone!!!

Pico: Hmm...... Good to bite!
Christmas Bear: For god sake, I am not your food!!!

Pico: Hmm... Hmm... You taste nice! *mumbling*
Christmas Bear: ......  *half dead*


I should post this last Christmas. So sorry that only post it now.
Hope you all like this "Behind the scene of Christmas Day" then the Christmas Bear isn't "sacrified for nothing".