Welcome to GladysCat.com!

Welcome to the blog of Pico the Sheltie and his cat buddy, LemonTea, from Malaysia.
From 12.05.2013 onwards, we would rarely come back here again, please visit http://GladysCat.com instead.


Friday, May 13, 2011


LemonTea, "Hey, watch me!"

What was LemonTea doing?
1-year-old LemonTea jumped up to catch a fly on the wall!

I was surprised at LemonTea's reaction that time too.
This picture was taken in Year 2008. Will post more pictures of LemonTea and Twinky soon.


Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Golden HELLO! Golden thanks for visiting my blog n becoming a blog follower. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Gladys Tan said...

Sugar: You are welcome. Thanks for visiting and looking forward to your next visit. :)

Regina said...

Wow he jumped so high! At first I thought he climbed up! Silly me. LOL

Gladys Tan said...

Regina: Yeah! I also never expect he jumped so high! Glad to get the shot! ^^