Welcome to GladysCat.com!

Welcome to the blog of Pico the Sheltie and his cat buddy, LemonTea, from Malaysia.
From 12.05.2013 onwards, we would rarely come back here again, please visit http://GladysCat.com instead.


Saturday, June 2, 2012

Meeting the treadmill

We bought a treadmill and LemonTea, Pico and Bunny aproached it to observe.
Pico rubbed the treadmill as if it is his. This is the way how a cat marks something as its belonging. Pico, you are a dog but not a cat okay?

LemonTea and Bunny the kitties are curious with it too.


caledonianshelties said...

oh my god, he is now a cat not a sheltie anymore, hahaha

Gladys Tan said...

Regina: Perhaps LemonTea passes this behaviour to him? LOL Pico likes to rub his sofa and my bed too. Totally cat-like behaviour!